AWS QuickSight — Creating calculated field using Amazon Q
Amazon Q is an intelligence AI empowered cha bot and integrated with different AWS services and able to help, troubleshoot to developers, users to improve their day to day productivity. It is one of the best Gen AI powered assistant to speed up the development life cycle and help in identifying the root cause analysis for many issues in quick time.
AWS QuickSight is a data visualization service which enables in creating complex visualization with very easy and simple approach. QuickSight enables users not only create simple charts but can implement advance features like drill down, creating calculated field, predicative forecasting, embedded features. Amazon QuickSight is a serverless offering where end users do not need to manage any servers and do the reporting and dashboard with minutes.
In this short blog, we demonstrate the power of Amazon Q with QuickSight. This is a very simple demo but the same approach can be followed for creating complex cases. In QuickSight many instances, BI developers and business owners created “Calculated field” to add any new field in the graph with some calculation. Most of the cases the calculated field logic is complex and erroneous error message has been displayed in terms of syntax error or any required field missing. With power of Amazon Q with QuickSight, BI users can easily type the question and Amazon Q prepare the calculated field logic. This will help in improving the productivity of the QuickSight users and calculated field can be created with very simple way.
Problem Statement:
For the demo purpose, we are taking 2 fields and create a new calculated field which concat the 2 fields.
Step -1: For our demo, we have 2 fields called Employee ID and Training Title. Sample data is displayed below.
Step -2: To create a calculate field (Here we are creating the calculate field at the analysis level, however user can create at data set level as well), create on calculate field, give the name and click on build calculation.
Step -3: To use Amazon Q feature, user can put the details in plain English in Build calculation and click BUILD. In this case we can simply write concat fields Employee ID and Training Title. Amazon Q take this instruction and build the logic for the calculated field.
Step -4: Click on insert to use the formula generated by Amazon Q and if you want to change it you can always do that. And click Save to use this calculated field in your reporting.
Step -5: To verify whether the calculate field provide the desired result or not, create a simple new analysis and select the couple of fields along with calculated
Note –
1. This is a simple demo, however power of Amazon Q can be used to create more complex calculated field which will help in improving the productivity of the Amazon QuickSight users.