Data Engineering — Understanding Roles in Snowflake — Beginner level.
Snowflake is a popular cloud data warehouse solution in the current market. Many organizations are using snowflake for building their enterprise data warehouse. Therefore, it is very much important to understand access management in Snowflake.
In this blog we will discuss roles available in snowflake. In snowflake privileges are assigned to the Roles and users are assigned to roles to perform the desired tasks or activities. In snowflake there are 5 roles available during the creation of the snowflake account. Depending upon the organization requirements, custom roles can be created. The hierarchy of the roles are shown below.
If organization have many snowflake account, at organization level a role can be created ORGADMIN and each account admin role can be linked to that organization. The above diagram provided details on the account level.
The below table provide each roles description.